FAQ - How to become a Dolicloud partner/reseller


This page describe how you can easily become a DoliCloud partner/reseller

Why ?

If you work with small and medium sized companies, you can easily become a simple DoliCloud partner/reseller or use DoliCloud to host your customers:


  • No development or integration to do (platform is already ready for reseller partners)
  • Nothing to install (even for your customers).
  • Just use your personalized URL to record new customers/instances (create your customer instance yourself or make your URL public to have customer to create their instances themself) and wait your customers pay the DoliCloud platform like any other customer to earn money.
  • If you want, you can also sell to your customers your own services directly (like support, specific development, addon or fix installations, ...)



How it works ?


  • First, you decide the pricing for instances you want to provide. You can define prices per instance and/or per user. 
    You can offer the same prices as the DoliCloud official service (DoliCloud default policy prices are: Basic and Premium, details on the following page: https://www.dolicloud.com/en-faq-pricing.php).

    You can also define a most expensive price (you decide, according to your market). A lower is not possible because default DoliCloud prices are already set to the minimum required to pay infrastructure and associated costs.

  • We provide you with a specific URL, that you can embed on your website, to allow for registrations to the DoliCloud hosting service with the price you defined. URL will looks something like this: 



  • You can use this URL to register customer yourself, or publish this URL on your web site, or on partner website, to allow customers to self register for the service.

  • Each time you or any customer you find subscribe to the paid service (after the end of a trial), all amount earned is tracked.

  • Your customers can benefit from the same support level than direct DoliCloud customers get. You can also provide yourself support to your customers if you prefer, and charge them for this if you want.

  • You will be provided with an access to a specific partner dashboard to follow each of your customers: instances (trials and paid) and contacts.

  • When the number of unique customers reaches 2 or more, you can claim your commission, every 3 month (minimum 100€), by sending an invoice by email (partner@dolicloud.com) addressed to: DoliCloud, 14 B Rue Razon, 33600 Pessac, France - SIRET: 49386149600054 - VAT number FR01493861496). This minimum number of customers is required to avoid administrative charges higher than the cost of service.

  • Your commission rate depends on the policy prices of your plan and the number of customers you believe you can recruit per year. You can expect 25% for first customer using Basic Plan, 40% if you provide more than 10 customers with Premium Plan.


  • Commission are paid by bank transfer, in Euros. Currency exchange may be applied by your bank. Commissions paid will be updated on your partner dashboard.


  • All email exchanges with DoliCloud (our company) must be done into english or french, whatever is your mother language.






There is still limitation to know for the moment on the system:


  • It is not possible to use your own domain name for customer instances. All customers instances have a domain name   customerid.with.dolicloud.com


  • As a reseller, you are the company that collect data (name of you customer), so you must be compiant with the GDPR rules for your customers, DoliCloud is just a third party partner that is himself GDPR compliant.


  • Only one currency (euro) is supported for payment of services. Convertion is done during payment process for countries that does not use euro.


  • Being an EXCLUSIVE agent for a region is not possible because of our business model and Dolibarr licence: Dolibarr is an OpenSource project distributed under GPL licence (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html), this means everybody is allowed to use but also distribute (or sell) the software. However, such competitor have to use another name than Dolibarr and Dolicloud (DoliCloud is a registered trademark, Dolibarr is a registered trademark of the Dolibarr foundation).



How to apply ?

* First, if you don't have a DoliCloud account yet, create one (with a first trial instance), from the standard customer registration page.

* Once your account and first trial instance is created, you can ignore this trial instance and even destroy it if you prefer (this will be done automatically once trial end if you don't enter any customer payment mode, and of course, if you are a reseller only, entering such payment mode is absolutely not required).

* Go on your Account area, menu My Acccount, to update your company address, firstname, lastname of contact and your Sale Tax or VAT number.

* Then go on your Account area, menu Other - Apply to be a Reseller, to ask us to enable the reseller features on your account.

* Then wait that your request is validated. You will receive an email as soon as your request is validate. Then, going on you dashboard account, you will find more information like:
- Your personalized URL you can use to record new customer / instances. You can immediatly use it the way you want (publishing it on your web site, on social networks, emailing, give it to other partner you have, or more rarely, just keep it private if you prefer to create new customers yourself)
- More menu entries to see all instances created by your customers, their credentials, invoices and commissions you earned. You will be able to claim your money by invoicing our company.

FAQ written by DoliCloud support team.